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Descriptor English:   Hospitals, Satellite 
Descriptor Spanish:   Hospitales Satélites 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Hospitais Satélites 
Synonyms English:   Branch Hospitals
Satellite Hospitals
Branch Hospital
Hospital, Branch
Hospital, Satellite
Satellite Hospital
Hospitals, Branch  
Tree Number:   N02.278.421.530
Definition English:   Those hospitals which are extensions of a main hospital and are wholly or partly administered by that hospital. 
Indexing Annotation English:   extensions of a main hosp & admin by it; coord IM with hosp ownership term (e.g., HOSPITALS, FEDERAL; HOSPITALS, PROPRIETARY; etc.) (IM or NIM) or specialty hosp or med specialty (IM or NIM) if relevant; specify geog
History Note English:   91(Aug 77); was see under HOSPITALS 1977-90 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
CL classification EC economics
ES ethics HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence MA manpower
OG organization & administration ST standards
SN statistics & numerical data SD supply & distribution
TD trends UT utilization
Record Number:   6936 
Unique Identifier:   D006781 

Occurrence in VHL:
